Replica Saint Laurent Solferino Suede Smooth 635025 Perfect Bags Collection


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YSL replica bags will be a hot item, and it has captured the entire fashion circle before it goes on sale. It is nostalgic on the left bank, inspired by the name of the street on the left bank in Paris, Rue De Solferino! The bag is made of Italian imported cowhide and nubuck leather, and the inside is also made of imported sheepskin. The feel and flexibility of the leather surface are very good! The interior is designed with three layers of organ partitions, which can easily accommodate daily necessary items. The newly designed “L” letter is opened in half at the top and bottom, completely subverting your understanding of the bag button, and you can’t help but amazed that you can open the bag like this. , simply not too much fun!
Model: 635025
Size: 22x18x5cm


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